The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108912   Message #2271213
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Feb-08 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Todays music
Subject: Todays music
Not for a long time has there been, in my opinion, such a plethora of good music and talented musicians out there. On the way to work the other day three records were played one after the other which had me grinning from ear to ear.

David Jordan's 'The sun goes down', The Plain White T's with Delilah and A&E by Alison Goldfrapp's 'A&E'. Fantastic stuff. I also watched, believe it or not, the Brit awards, initialy just to see what Ozzie and family would do to the show:-) but I found that the music had indeed become the star of the show again, as it should be. And it wasn't Macca or any old timers that set it off for me but the new stuff. Mind you, Take That are much better than I remember but don't tell anyone I said that...

Is Mika Freddie Mercury reincarnated or what? Hell of a showman with a great voice and a range of songs that anyone would be proud of. Amy Winehouse was good but I thought the 19 year old (or is she 20 now?) Adele beat her for confidence and performance. Mind you, considering Ms Winehhouses current state I am not realy surprised! And while not exactly a brand new band I was realy happy to see one of my favourite US bands, The Foo Fighters, get 2 awards.

Well, I suppose there is either life in the old dog yet or music fasion has caught up with me. Again:-)

Keep rockin (and folkin)
