The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2272251
Posted By: Teribus
25-Feb-08 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
"The Palestinians ended up in the refugee camps because there is only just so much room and there are just so many resources in the West Bank," - CarolC

So what you are basically saying is that the Palestinian State that everybody is chatting about now is unviable? I also note that since 1988 when the Jordanians washed their hands of the "West Bank" the Palestinians themselves retained the Refugee Camps. What exactly did Tosser Arafat do to lighten the load and bring any sort of improvement or benefits to "his people" - Damn all except stuff the millions in international aid into his bank accounts. You see both sides preferred the "Palestinians" in Gaza and in the West Bank to be in those camps. The Israelis because they knew at anytime where the trouble was going to start, and Arafat because they were a source of propaganda and income. Even the Palestinian Arabs who lived in Gaza and the West Bank preferred their fellow Palestinian Arabs to be couped up in those Camps, because holed up in those Camps ensured that some aid would trickle down through Arafats grasping fingers - His Uncle by the way was no different, although I think it was The Orphans and the Church Restoration Fund that he ripped off.

Now compare that to another group in the same locale who got landed with a whole ruck of refugees from all over the "Arab" world. Different approach here completely. Instead of putting them all in Camps they integrated them, allowed them to put down roots, welcomed them in. Biggest difference was CarolC that this crowd were prepared to work, same as they had always been right the way back to the days of the Ottoman Empire in 1878.

Since the birth of Israel in 1948, brought about in no small way by Palestinian Arab intransigence, you have one set of refugees who literally had absolutely nowhere else to go, who have discovered the benefits of co-operation and hard work, and another set who have been shoddily treated by both fellow Palestinians and so-called Arab allies, and who have known nothing but graft, corruption and hand outs for sixty years. And guess what CarolC? Their present crop of "leaders" are not offering them anything different - As I said slow learning curve, but possibly one day the message will sink in.