The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108897 Message #2272375
Posted By: fumblefingers
25-Feb-08 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Subject: RE: BS: Hillary Blows a Fuse....
Obama has a gimmick going for him. He's half African. But he isn't a descendent of slaves. He doesn't have the accent of most native born blacks. He's well educated, speaks well, and doesn't seem to have the "them vs. us" baggage that so many so-called black leaders have.
His record at the national level is very liberal, which probably suits most people who frequent this BS forum. He hasn't done much of anything and is for the most part, an unknown quantity. He speaks in generalizations and platitudes, which makes it difficult to discern what he intends to do should he become president.
Apart from the promise to raise our taxes and come up with a new health system, his intentions are unclear.
The three leading candidates are all US Senators. Senators are deal makers, not decision makers. None of them have any real managerial experience. The president's job isn't an entry level position and therefore I don't like any of them for the top job.