The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108933   Message #2272780
Posted By: George Papavgeris
26-Feb-08 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
Subject: RE: Muppitz sings El Greko: Farewell, Adieu
Oh, I should have explained: Gouden Eeuw (Golden Era) refers to the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) flagship Batavia, a well-documented story involving shipwreck, two mutinies, rape, multiple murders, rescue coming from Java, and only 125 eventual survivers out of the 341 that sailed from Amsterdam. In the Flairck production, the girl that got raped between Cape Town and the shipwreck (Lucia in the story, I forget her real name now, but it was she that documented much of what went on) sang this song on her departure from Amsterdam.

Gouden Eeuw goes beyond the story of the Batavia, using it to describe all that was good and bad about the Dutch Golden Era, how it was built on inhumane treatment of the lower classes for the benefit of the profiteering merchants that commissioned ships such as the batavia, etc etc. As the Batavia wreck was in 1629, I guess Flairck felt that this 1645 song would be appropriate for the purpose.

If you speak Flemish, I strongly advise you get this marvellous piece of work (even if you don't, the music is amazing, written in styles of that period). There are two more songs I'd like to translate from there one day: The Six-Week Gentlemen (about the sailors spending their money in six weeks and then needing to go to sea again, a wonderful description of all the riff-raff and deserving causes that made up the average cre of the day); and the Dance Of The Wooden Legs (describing an evening of revelry in a Cape tavern).