The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4231   Message #22732
Posted By: Whippoorwill
02-Mar-98 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: It's In the Book/Lye Soap
Subject: Lyr Add: GRANDMA'S LYE SOAP
You remember Grandma's lye soap,
Good for everything in the home;
And the secret was in the scrubbing,
It wouldn't suds and wouldn't foam.

So let's all sing for Grandma's lye soap,
Good for everything on the place;
The pots and kettles, the dirty dishes,
and for your hands and for your face.

Little Herman and brother Vermin
Had and aversion to washing their ears;
Grandma scrubbed them with the lye soap,
Now they haven't heard a word in years.

Mrs. O'Malley down in the valley
Suffered from ulcers, I understand;
She swallowed a cake of Grandma's lye soap:
Has the cleanest ulcers in the land!

It seems to me there may have been another verse, but if so, I can't remember it.