The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2273356
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-Feb-08 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
On the News Hour tonight they spoke with several journalists from Texas, including Bob Ray Sanders from the Star-Telegram in Fort Worth. He pointed out that since so many republicans figure McCain is assured the nomination that they're crossing lines (you can in Texas primaries) and voting for Obama to prevent Hillary from getting the nomination. It's a stinky thing to do, but legal. I threatened to do it when Bush was running, but there weren't enough of us that it would have made a difference.

So, despite the intent of the Democrats who want Hillary in office, the guile of the native Republicans may defeat that wish.

SRS (who did go to early voting and did vote for Hillary)