The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2273557
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
27-Feb-08 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
I'll likely vote for Nader now that he is in, unless something better comes along. If I vote at all for president. I am ambivalent about this year's election, and not thrilled about any of the candidates, as usual.

My partner is leaning Nader, but undecided still.

Daughter will soon be home from NC for spring break. She had been for Edwards, went to SC the night of the primary to check out the Obamamania, and was underwhelmed by it. Don't know who she will vote for--if she has her act together well enough to remember to get her absentee ballot.

I think the lesser of two evils between Obama and Clinton is probably Clinton, but not by much. I dislike both of them--I see them both as Republicans in Democrat clothes. And Obama, an empty suit of clothes at that. Just what stellar accomplishments has he achieved again?