The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108912   Message #2273656
Posted By: Mooh
27-Feb-08 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Todays music
Subject: RE: Todays music
I think one's impressions of the value of commercial radio may depend on what's within range. Other than CBC, I live in radio wasteland. Same pop drivel dj-ed by selfamused and illinformed bozos. I think I need satellite radio service.

However, there are sources of new music without radio. Paste Magazine comes with a cd, as does Uncut Magazine, both of which I enjoy. I also cruise online sources from YouTube to recommendations from friends and..oh gee whiz...the Mudcat. Even of old fashioned tunes there are new purveyors, like Joscho Stephan. But what's really enlightening is listening to the music my music students recommend, much of which is predictable and mundane, but there are some exceptions like guitar god types. I figure it's my job to introduce students to alternatives.

All music is derivative, the challenge is finding new music which is inspired rather than tired.

Peace, Mooh.