The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108931   Message #2273949
Posted By: Azizi
27-Feb-08 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Is Difficult For People Of Color
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Is Difficult For People Of Color
It occurs to me from reading this thread and reflecting on some of its posts, that much if not all of my "problem" is that which others probably {most assuredly?} have had in different contexts at Mudcat-
when, how, how often, and how much does a person who cares deeply about a subject respectfully share information that differs from an opinion that another person has given. I think that these questions are even more pertinent when the person who differs or wants to share information sees herself or him self or considers herself or himself {and perhaps also is seen by others to be} an "insider"-meaning she or he is the only one or one of few people who has a certain kind of direct experience or inside information about that which she or he wants to talk about.

In other words [gee Gulliver, you've made me aware that I really can be longwinded; that's because of my Sagittarius Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter placements :o)] I'm not the only person on Mudcat who feels strongly about a particular opinion, or position, or culture. But unfortunately, most times I've been the only African American person and the only person of color {which is a catch-all category which includes African Americans} to post on threads about race. Given my temperment and my interest, I do feel a considerable degree of "protectiveness" about African American cultures. There have been comments that I've disregarded, and some that I chose to respond to. The reason why I respond on the record-within that thread-is because as I've mentioned previously, I'm mindful of the fact that people can access Mudcat threads in months and years to come, and I don't want information that I conside to be erroneous or incomplete to be out there and not contested.

Also, I admit, that I feel a certain degree {perhaps too much} responsiblity to add to the record in situations when I am posting to a thread and a comment comes up that I feel needs to be addressed. I admit that I don't want future readers to think "How could that Black woman continue posting to that thread and say anything about what has been said?.

However {And}, I'm also very mindful of the fact that what should always be most important is the message and not me. What I mean by this is that I should be very careful not to add information to a thread or differ with a person because of self-promotion.

Well, every now and then I feel I can promote my website, But that's a different kind of self-promotion since that website is about sharing and preserving cultural artifacts, and isn't really about promoting me.