The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108968   Message #2274301
Posted By: Ron Davies
27-Feb-08 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama bin Laden???...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama bin Laden???...

Obama scares you? That's the reason for your pattern? You make a snide comment about him--e.g. that Hillary gets her contributions from small donors, in contrast to Obama. Then when called on this obvious falsehood, you back off, whining that this is just an internet forum--and therefore, evidently, that nobody should be interested in accuracy and sources.

And now you're back saying that emphasizing "Hussein" as Obama's middle name is no big deal--at a time of rampant Islamophobia, stoked by our current alleged leader, and endorsed by courageous giant intellects on Mudcat like our beloved pdq.

Certainly hope that racism is not behind your attitude--we don't need that, and you'd best be aware of that fact.

Of course, having "the milk of human kindness by the quart in every vein", I will assume that you are in fact not racist, just abysmally ignorant. Your contributions on the current US political scene so far support this diagnosis to the n'th degree. Where in the US do you live, that you know so little about current political conditions? If you are by some chance outside the US, it would behoove you to find better sources of information--easy to do on the Net--and to find them before favoring us again with your incisive insights.

When I comment on Hillary, I support my charges with facts. You for some reason seem to be averse to facts and sources--you seem rather to prefer innuendo and disingenuous smearing. Are you by some chance a wholly owned subsidiary of Rig's Smears R Us?

A principled defense can be made of some of Hillary's behavior--but there's a world of difference between that and your ill-informed, if not smarmy approach.