The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105528   Message #2274394
Posted By: CarolC
27-Feb-08 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Disaster Capitalism & The Shock Doctrine
Subject: RE: BS: Disaster Capitalism & The Shock Doctrine
There are eyewitnesses who were there immediately after the Pentagon was hit, and before any rescue personnel arrived who say that there was no debris. This is evidence and not speculation. As evidence, it has to go into the total mix of evidences. This evidence has to be weighed and balanced against all of the other evidences. If it was possible for someone to bring in and plant debris parts, we can't say that that the presence of such debris is proof. And you haven't shown me any proof that the parts could not possibly have been planted.

I didn't say that you would necessarily have made those kinds of accusations against me with regard to Iran Contra. I said that people like you would have. And they would have. And they would have been wrong. Just as it is entirely possible that you are wrong in this instance.

Nobody's baiting you, Bill. You keep jumping into these conversations with both feet, even though some of us who would like to be able to discuss this issue without being attacked by you and a few others would probably find these discussions a lot more satisfying if you would find it within yourself to resist the temptation. So just don't read this stuff - just pass it on by, and you and we will all be a lot happier.