The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4231   Message #22744
Posted By: Bill D
02-Mar-98 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: It's In the Book/Lye Soap
Subject: RE: It's In the Book
and the chorus cited above really doesn't do justice to the was J. Standley belted it out!! *yes..I had the record, too*...there was a critique/explication of 'Rockabye Baby' on side 2, also- asking about the desirabilit of rocking poor little babies way up there when the wind was blowing...ending with the line.."down will come baby, cradle and......oh, what a gooey mess..."

The open was something like....."lets all open our'll find them on the back of the seat in front of you..and turn to page....."