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Thread #105528   Message #2274415
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Feb-08 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Disaster Capitalism & The Shock Doctrine
Subject: RE: BS: Disaster Capitalism & The Shock Doctrine
It works this way, Bill...

Everyone forms an opinion about something. They then become very emotionally attached to defending their opinion. They then look up all the stuff they can find that supports their opinion and they repeat it to others. They only trust the authoritative sources who say stuff that supports their opinion. They ignore or deny the authoritative sources who say stuff that doesn't support their opinion.

I too can quote New York firefighters and all kinds of other eyewitnesses who were there on that day and who heard and saw all kinds of stuff that doesn't in the least support your opinion...but supports mine. There are lots of them on old TV footage, and you can see it for yourself...but I don't think you would want to.

But you know what? I don't really care. ;-) (shrug) Cos it wouldn't do any good arguing about it, and I know that. Nothing I say will have any effect but to spur a counterattack on your part, as predictable as Pavlov's dog, because you're got to defend your opinion.

You will listen to whoever supports the opinion you already have, and so will I, and I know that. It's pre-ordained. It's what all people normally do.

So, I just shrug, I note that human nature remains consistent and predictable, and I don't waste my time digging up a ton of reference material in a totally futile effort to change your mind about something.

It wouldn't make any difference to anything even if I did change your mind about something. I would not win a prize for doing so. I would not experience an epiphany.   No one would ever care. It wouldn't have any appreciable effect on what's going on in the USA or anywhere else in the world. It isn't important.

So just go on believing whatever makes you feel good, okay? And so will I. And it won't make a smidgin of difference to what happens about 911. Nada. Zip. It's just a lot of noise, frankly.

If I hadn't gotten drawn innocently into posting on this forum about 10 years ago by some musician friends, and then gotten into the habit of doing so every day, I wouldn't even be spending any time here arguing about 911 with anyone. I certainly never argue about 911 with anyone in my 3-D life here. Nope, I find other things to do, like play music, work, attend to real stuff that is part of my real life.

This place (at times) is like a mental black hole.