The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108999   Message #2274621
Posted By: Mick Tems
28-Feb-08 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: The Gathering, Killarney: Who's been?
Subject: RE: The Gathering, Killarney: Who's been?
It was good to see you and Cathy, O Captain my Captain. We all met up for a session in Daly's Bar in Ballydehob, West Cork - such a tiny bar, we couldn't move! Roger the uilleann piper, Roger's wife Jen, Derek the accordion player, our two generous friends and hosts Bertie (aka Dublin) and Annie Moran. Olly and Cathy were good on the fiddle, and I played the tabwrdd really well.

The sad news is that Ireland is changing very fast. The Irish Government is targeting all pubs, with the Garda brandishing the almighty breathalyser, and they're closing down in droves. The Chestnut Tree used in Ballydehob used to have good sessions, and that has closed now; can Daly's survive?