The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109007   Message #2274991
Posted By: Mingulay
28-Feb-08 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum under threat this year.
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum under threat this year.
Well, it looks as though things are in 'motion' again be it Blitherscrum or the Ogoods. At least we can look forward to another exciting performance from that well known part time Greek favourite Georgio Constipadis who has agreed to appear naked (he apparently needs all the exposure he can get!) whilst performing the dance of the flaming kebabs in F#, or should that be Fhot?

Book early for the Ogoods and get a 3 groat reduction on the normal ticket price plus a free bucket of pigswill at the Saturday night banquet.

Many more artists are to be booked as soon as the local police are able to trace their whereabouts.