The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109070   Message #2275883
Posted By: John Hardly
29-Feb-08 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
No way. We have more information available than ever before in history -- especially internationally.

Yes, we seem to be going through an uncomfortable, awkward period of time in which many are incapable of discerning reality/fact from disinformation (see the kookiness of religious belief evident in the current thread about 9/11 conspiracies).

So, sure, more people than ever will find a reality that tells them what they want to hear (their favorite conspiracies and cult beliefs) rather than what is actually true, but true science and empiricism will eventually win the day as it has througout history.

The only way I could see us actually heading into a "dark age" is if the new corruption that is falsely referred to as "science" -- that of the Dawkins/Hitchens ilk -- ever really takes hold, I could easily see us sinking into a "Brave New World" of eugenics, genocide, and other abominations done in the name of convenience (or in the name of solving the population crisis). But I have my hopes that that vacuous philosophy will be defeated.