The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109070   Message #2276037
Posted By: GUEST,Voice of Truth
29-Feb-08 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we heading for a new dark age?
Little Hawk, I would love to believe that everybody knows and agrees that there is something wrong in people's suffering, but judging by the callousness of the upper echelon in the class system in this country, I think we have a long way to go.

Who would I rather have for company in a really BAD situation? I would rather have people who can admit there is something wrong - even if they nash their teeth -because they are the only ones willing to do something about it. I don't need people who are saying just enjoy your bowl of oatmeal, I would want be surrounded by people who are NOT willing to ignore there is something wrong with poverty, with racism, sexism, with slavery, and with all the many ills that HAVE and DO plague our society. THOSE are the people who will lend a hand, and lead to a better world. Whether it is how they vote, or how they contribute to their small or vast community, it is always the people who do not want to ignore injustice, who have been the ones who step in to do something- whether it is to prevent child abuse or protect workers from exploitation.

HOWEVER, I do agree, that in fighting a daily struggle, such as Megan describes, it is helpful to believe that any day one is alive is a good day. On a personal level, it is sometimes the only way to keep ones sanity. HOWEVER, I was talking about people who are comfortably middle class, Megan, not people who are struggling for each breath.

The people I have seen who are sincere and effective fighters for a better world try to live with a positive view of life- but they will not be distracted from the hell many people live in by phrases and cliches that just appease and mollify. (This is what made Reagan so appealing, in my view, he could just mouth a cliche like 'there you go again' and then try to cut benefits to disabled vets while no one was looking. And with this censorhip of so called negativity, he ushered in a 'greed is good' mentality that this country still embraces all too well) I have admiration for the struggle you survive every day Megan, but I still say that for the people who STILL live in the rat infested, cold and hazardous conditions you describe, we need more than a rosy view of the world. Big Brother can only fester and flourish in an atmosphere of stultifying censorship. The truth, it has been said, will set you free.