The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108995   Message #2276387
Posted By: GUEST,helloooooooo
01-Mar-08 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: E Day in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: E Day in the UK
The link to the graph posted is another example of emotive, contorted poppycock largely orchestrated by bearded tree huggers and their good old mates. The graph has been extratacted from the original scientific data based on delta oxygen 18 values in formaminifera, GRIP data,deepsea sediment cores and temperature measurements taken by man dating back to the 18th century. The crucial point is that the graph has been used by you as propaganda to support your cause and it is entirely untrue. The original data included global temperature and it is seen from the data that temperature leads carbon dioxide levels. If you are intelligent enough, try and release your emotions and think about my statement subjectively.Then when you will realise the truth, please come back to me and comment on..

1. Earth's positive and negative feedback mechanisms.
2. The present global mountain ranges, the Tibetan plateau and chemical erosion.
3. The effect of Milankovich cycles
4. The effect of sunspot cycles.
5. The Maunder Minimum.
6. The Worldwide global cooling from 1945 to 1967.
7. The Laki Fissure eruptions.
8. The Cretaceous age and the white cliffs of Dover.
9. Any Governments vested interest to be voted back into power.