The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2277906
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Mar-08 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Tsk! Tsk! The one gets touchy and the other gets catty. :-) Cannot a man inject a little levity into the political turmoil now and then without arousing this sort of venomous reaction? Goodness sakes! You wound me, good sirs, you wound me! I shall have to crawl off and recover now...dear, dear...

(I wasn't seriously objecting to Amos's thread, I was just rattling his cage a bit, cos he's my pal. I can't help it if you two chose to take me dead seriously.)

Ron, you must be joking, implying I don't care about your election. I care deeply about your danged election, though I'm not in much of a position to do anything about it. However, I even contributed to one of the campaigns down money, my lad. That's how deeply I care about it. Have you ever contributed money to a Canadian election campaign?

Didn't think so. ;-) Hell, I have never contributed money to a Canadian election campaign, but I did to this American campaign. THAT's how important I think your election is. It's important to the entire world.

I would hate like hell to see McCain win. The thought just horrifies me. I feel pretty queasy at the thought of the Clintons again occupying the White House too. Not as bad as the thought of Jeb Bush or Condoleeza Rice moving in, mind you...but still not so good.

Obama? I've got hopes he might just be a real breath of fresh air. We'll see. If he gets elected, we'll see. Got my fingers crossed here.