The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4237   Message #22781
Posted By: BK
02-Mar-98 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Outside of a Small Circle of Friends
Subject: RE: Oachs' song
Mike; It's a good guess the singer is the late Phil Oachs (not sure of the correct spelling), of the early days/years of the "folk scare," and author of many excellent songs such as (if I remember correctly) "pleasures of the harbor," and I've long forgotten what else. I seem to recall that he was often associated with and/or published by, "Sing Out," the folk-song magazine. It's amazing what one forgets over time...

Somewhere in our relatively large and not-yet-organized vinyl collection (will it ever be organized again?) I have an albumn or two of his- I can try to find it/them and see if that title is among what I have. Also I believe Glen Yarborough recorded some of his work, as did other well-known performers of the great folk days.

Surely in this forum someone else will have more info for you but meanwhile I'll try to find a minute to look. good luck!

Cheers, BK