The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72702   Message #2278204
Posted By: GUEST,, and e
03-Mar-08 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: A Fairy Story (Shay Healy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: A Fairy Story -anyone know more about
The song "A Fairy Story" was written by Shay Healy in 1971-72 (see email below). The song is copyrighted and the Harry Fox agency handles the mechanical rights royalties for this song.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Shay Healy
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:04 AM
> Subject: Re: "A Fairy Story" by Shay Healy
> Greetings from the Emerald Isle.
> I am not sure, but I think I wrote Fairy Story sometime about 1971-2.
> I went singing in America for four years, the first year in the Harp
> and Bard Chain in Mass. Then I went to a place called Tara in
> Nashville for two years. And finally, I spent eight months on Cape
> Cod.
> A nephew of The Clancy Brothers, Robbie O'Connell, recorded the song,
> but I can't remember when. And as half of a duo called Rubbish, I
> recorded it as a B side to a song called "Silly Fellow," which was
> about the drug bust of Paul McCartney in Tokyo in 1980. The single
> stalled just outside the U.K Hot 100.
> By accident I found the song on the Brods site and in lieu of
> royalties, I asked for an x-Large. t-shirt. They still haven't sent
> it to me.
> I know I have a "live" version from Nashville, recorded in 1990 and
> I'll poke around until I find it.
> If you are doling it on to others, please make the corrections as per
> my recording.
> Stay sane