The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109145   Message #2278288
Posted By: Suzy T.
03-Mar-08 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: late 50's folk photos?
Subject: late 50's folk photos?
Hi all,
I'm looking for photos from the late 1950s, of folk music parties or "hoots", especially ones that show people playing music together (vs. one person playing and everyone else listening). This is for possible use in a film being made by Chris Strachwitz and Yasha Aginsky about the New Lost City Ramblers, to give a picture of the folk music scene that was happening when the NLCR got going.

If you can help, please email me: or send me a message. We will scan the photos (or you can) and nothing will be used without proper credit and permission.

Suzy Thompson