The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109102   Message #2278363
Posted By: frogprince
03-Mar-08 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Art's Politically Incorrect Songs - workshop
Subject: RE: Art's Politically Incorrect Songs - workshop
My wife sings in a large choral group with an evangelical bent. They were rehearsing a medley of the U.S. armed forces songs, and were to sing just the chorus of "Anchors Aweigh". Someone objected to the words "on our last night ashore, drink to the foam"; so they sang "on our last night ashore, hail to the foam". I consider that a total travesty, and completely inappropriate in the context of their intention to honor servicemen.

On an entirely different level, my seminary roommate strolled into the apartment one day and belted out:
    "Jesus loves the little children,
    All the little children of the world;
    Niggers, kikes, and spics, and wops,
    Jesus thinks they all are tops;
    Jesus loves the little children of the world".
I'm really torn between cracking up at that and considering it to be
one of the most genuinely offensive things I've ever heard.