The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2280047
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
05-Mar-08 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
You aren't bitter or anything though, right Ron?

He he.

Certainly by recent standards (ie since Reagan beat Carter going negative), this has been an extremely clean and civil campaign.

There is nothing negative about pointing out your opponent's weak spots, Ron. Nothing.

Me thinks your koolaid just ain't as tasty today as it was yesterday.

My understanding is there are still about 170 delegates up in the air from yesterday (we should hear how they split later today), and they are separated by less than 100 delegates. Clinton doesn't have to pull back into the delegate count lead now, because she'll clean Obama's clock in Pennsylvania next month. Then it should pretty much be over, because it will become clear to everyone that Obama can't win the big states the Dems need to take in the fall to win.

Even Obama will have to wake up and smell that Sumatra java now.

Sorry boys, but it looks like your boy wasn't quite as wildly popular as we (including me after Feb 5th) first assumed.

So Amos and Ron, will either of you vote for Clinton in the fall?

Or aren't you really about what you say you are about (unity, and getting Bush leaguers out)?