The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2280191
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Mar-08 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
The people will fancy an appearance of freedom; Illusion will be their native land................Jacques Ellul, "The Political Illusion"

While Janet and I disagree about many things, I think we might agree on what is really required in this country is a political revolution. Forty years ago I was introduced to the thoughts and writings of Jacques Ellul, a French Philosopher, Theologian, and Political Scientist. In the above quoted book as well as in his other works including things published in Katallagete. His well reasoned works stated that politics is a matter of methodology and once having established the method, it became self sustaining regardless of the characters playing the roles. The quick and easy translation is Tweedledum versus Tweedledee and feel free to switch them around at no cost or benefit. Elected officials are so co-opted (remember that word? Hackneyed and all but it fits here) by the time they reach certain levels, their rhetoric will always exceed their actions. The only fix for this is revolution.   

Sadly, it takes awhile.....but the movement is starting to grow as more and more see past the illusion. It won't happen simply by voting for a third party or Indie candidate. The system needs revamped and it will take numbers, not individuals to do it. I doubt it happens in my lifetime but maybe in my kids'.............

That said, looking at things in the classic 2 party way at this point.......I have listened at length to Obama and tried like hell to get behind him but just can't. The Clinton campaign gave him a few basic lobs and he failed to play them. There is no way this guy has the horsepower at this point to beat McCain. "3AM" was just basic old time stuff and he couldn't answer the call. If the Republican Party plays it their usual way they will take him to the Cleaners and he'll fold like cheap suit. The Clinton folks have experienced the wrath of the GOP and this time around they will have no problem in playing the game.
