The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2280336
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Mar-08 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Sorry Poppa but in the case of Ohio I think you're wrong. Here's why.

Ohio still remains the last bastion of Taft Republicanism even after we finally ditched his grandkid as Governor....arguably one of the worst we have had and we've had some losers! There is a real disconnect at times that seems odd as we go for serious conservatives in some cases while electing guys like Howard Metzenbaum repeatedly. Its kind of nutso to figure out. But look at the primary results.

Obama took Dayton, Cincy, Columbus, and Toledo. He could not carry Cleveland and also failed in Akron and Youngstown. Many forget that Ohio has a large rural population which vote regularly and they went overwhelmingly for Hillary. She had the right message which was strong on the economy and the backing of John Glenn and the current governor, Ted Strickland, both very popular and respected folks. But if Hillary doesn't run, the rural vote will go to McCain if he has even a slightly good line. And much as I hate to say this about my home state, the black population in rural Ohio is virtually non-existent..............

At this time there is no way I can see Obama taking Ohio in the Fall. Things change and perhaps they will in this case.
