The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108983   Message #2280795
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
05-Mar-08 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Obama sure seems to have unlimited reserves. I think I heard on the radio today he outspent Clinton 2 to 1 in Ohio & Texas, and still lost in both states.

Has anyone noticed how news outlets seem to be avoiding saying 'Obama lost'?

And it took my eyes awhile to adjust this morning as I kept reading down the list of Google News hits about the election before I sussed out Clinton had won in Texas & Ohio! I was like WTF? Who the hell won?

I had already enjoyed a leisurely pot of tea and had a shower before I even sat down to read the news!

Also, is anyone else getting really tired of the whining MSM wankers complaining about being bitch slapped on SNL for goin' all Obamagirl? Puhleez!