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Thread #109201   Message #2280800
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
05-Mar-08 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
But the electorate has been so unpredictable throughout the primaries, voters have been bucking the city and state leaders, too.

Rendell was on MSNBC last night, and he didn't sound the least bit like someone who was thinking of swinging to Obama anytime soon. I think Philly will go to Obama, but I don't know that the rust belt areas will, including Pittsburgh. That one could easily be a toss-up.

But Clinton definitely has the edge in the more rural parts of the state, hands down, and probably most college towns and 'burbs.

The other thing is, the two are separated in the delegate count by about what the number of delegates is for North Carolina. NC is a late in the game primary, and the biggest 'at the end' state.

So, could John Edwards be the broker come May? Hmmmmm....