The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109185   Message #2281130
Posted By: Rapparee
06-Mar-08 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Mysterious Axman's Jazz (J J Davilla)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'The Mysterious Axmans' Jazz.'
It was published by World Music Publishing in New Orleans and the cover picture to the sheet music is on the web -- Wikipedia, I think, but I know it's on there.

I was surprised that it wasn't listed in World Cat or LC, but lots of libraries have things that still aren't listed electronically. Something to do with having the money to do the job and libraries, of course, are "obsolete" because everything's on the web -- as this exercise shows.

It exists; it's just a matter of finding out where it is.

If you find it, please post the lyrics and let everyone know where the sheet music can be found. Sharing is, after all, part of what this place is all about.

Haven't check the Delta Blues Museum in Clarksville, MS...hmmmm....