The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109239   Message #2281547
Posted By: Rapparee
06-Mar-08 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Danny Boy banned in pub....
Subject: RE: Danny Boy banned in pub....
I agree with Mick. In the right setting, at the right time, DB is a lovely piece of music. Same thing with "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen." Or "Spancil Hill."

They get tiresome after twenty or thirty times in the same night, however, and so does a bunch of bleary-eyed drunks trying to roar out "A Nation Once Again."

I think that I'll just hole up and sip my Bushmill's 16 on the 17th. Or I could go up to Butte. More Irish-Americans up there per capita than anywhere else in the US.