The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109167   Message #2281722
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
06-Mar-08 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'd like to believe that there is a God
Subject: RE: BS: I'd like to believe that there is a God
Little Hawk: I hadn't heard of that particular reference, although it seems to be in line with Chinese thought on body mechanics. My old friend, Master Lee Shiu Pak(Yang Style Tai Chi) used to tell me he knew when a horse was going to win a race, he would go down to where they walked the horses before the race, to observe their Chi/breath. He then told me of his concern not to "take too much". Just enough to live, pay the rent, etc. He did pay for supper more than once. I miss him greatly.
But when you open yourself up to things like this, in a public forum, you run the risk of ridicule. The power of the subconscious mind has been well documented by a number of writers. Each of us has actually used it, although some may not be willing to further explore it's true power. They will dismiss it as a "lucky guess," the phone call you were expecting, the "coincidence" of meeting someone at an obscure location, finding the keys you lost, etc.
It and your superconscious are your "Guardian Angels," ready to protect you in emergencies. Your only requirement is to provide the faith/belief.
It is not my place to "convince" anybody of anything, nor is it to "win an argument."
But I do know that each of you reading this will experience a situation where the intervention of something beyond mere human existence will come into play.
Life is a school. We are students...

Little Hawk: The time when the breath from both nostrils is equal is a time of power. Use it wisely...