The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87287   Message #2281848
Posted By: GUEST,miriam berg
07-Mar-08 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: IOCA 'Song Fest' collection
Subject: RE: IOCA 'Song Fest' collection
i have an edition of Song Fest which i purchased in 1955
i don't know anything about the history though
it is marked "Second printing, December 1955"
but nothing about an edition
it does say, Copyright 1948, 1955 by R.L.Best
i had just joined the University of California at Berkeley
Hiking Club
and we used it at our folk singing parties
i still find it a valuable resource for old folk songs
although Dick and Beth failed to document and attribute
many of the songs
there's a preface by Dick and Beth Best, 1948
and a "Preface to the Original Collection"
signed by Will Brown, Dartmouth '37 and Gerry Richmond, Brown '36

miriam berg, UCBerkeley '61