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Thread #109167   Message #2282551
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Mar-08 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: I'd like to believe that there is a God
Subject: RE: BS: I'd like to believe that there is a God
The idea of the world as a delusion, experienced through the sensory perceptions of the human body/mind/ego (itself also an illusion) is one that is common to almost all the esoteric religions of the East, Bill. As such, it is a concept that tremendously predates Hume's opinions on the matter. It goes back thousands of years, perhaps tens of thousands of years, perhaps even longer than that. It has little to do with the western religions like Christianity or the Muslim or Jewish faiths. They are monotheistic. The Eastern religions are not.

It's a concept familiar to anyone who has studied either Vedanta (the ancient disciplines and philosophies connected with the Hindus) or Buddhism or a variety of other Eastern philosophies. The essential philosophies of the East have almost all held that the physical world(s) are experienced as a form of illusion (or delusion). A dream, if you will.   

As in a dream, it all seems very real to the dreamer while it's happening.

I'm not trying to argue about it with you, and I don't mind if you don't believe any of it, I'm just telling you about it, that's all.

Hume may have gotten some of his ideas from the East, I don't know, but he certainly did not originate the idea of the world as an illusion.

Arguing about this kind of stuff simply doesn't matter. It cannot be proven or unproven (except perhaps by one's own direct experience...and then only to the experiencer), but simply giving it consideration can be very interesting. It can open one to many possibilities. It does not necessarily interfere in any way with being practical and effective here and now.

After all, there are many ways of having a dream, right? Many ways of acting within the dream. Might as well pick the way that suits you best.

You and I have both done that, and we picked different ways. This is okay. ;-)