The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109239   Message #2282560
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
07-Mar-08 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Danny Boy banned in pub....
Subject: RE: Danny Boy banned in pub....
I know Danny Boy - he is a disreputable character.

If I had a pub, I would ban him as well. there is too much laxity in modern life - parents spare the belt and the cigarette end and see what happens.....

I remember a time when you could leave your doors unlocked, you could shit on the carpet (cos we liked a laugh) - but we always went to Sunday school and we knew where to draw the line.....

It all went wrong in the 1960's when folks started taking drugs and stopped listening to decent music. Under the Bridges of Paris,,, that was my sort of music.