The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21427   Message #228285
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
15-May-00 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'girlie' songs
Hello Baba,

You may not have found this thread about the song Pretty Saro. You'll notice my post about one of my favorite songs, "Hard is the Fortune." This has to be the quintessential "woman's point of view, poor me" song. I really love this tune. It's interesting how some of the same themes and tunes show up in many places.

Don't forget various songs about courtin' and being done wrong!

Waly, Waly (The Water is Wide) in the DT here.
For my true-love has me forsook,
And says he'll never love me mair.

COME ALL YE FAIR AND TENDER LADIES (Couldn't find this in the DT, so I'll try to post it)

Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
Come all ye fair and tender ladies,
Take warning how you court young men;
They're like a star on a summer's morning
They first appear and then they're gone.

They'll tell to you some flattering story,
And swear to God that they love you well,
And away they'll go and court some other,
And leave you here in grief to dwell.

I wish I was some tall mountain,
Where the ivy rock is black as ink;
I would write a letter to my false lover,
Whose cheeks are like the morning pink.

I wish I was some little sparrow,
And one of them that could fly so high;
I would fly away to my true love's dwelling,
And when he would speak I would be close by.

But I am none of those little sparrows,
Or none of those that fly so high,
So I'll sit down in grief and sorrow,
And pass all my troubles by.

...hmmm...Is there a theme here?
