The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109239   Message #2283816
Posted By: KT
09-Mar-08 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Danny Boy banned in pub....
Subject: RE: Danny Boy banned in pub....
Discussion of Danny Boy has come up often in the last few years. Refusal to sing it or the suggestion to ban it has seemed the trend of late, and I've often felt a tad out of touch, even somewhat politically incorrect, for not being in agreement.

While I can understand tiring of a song which has been overplayed in certain areas, I can't imagine myself ever refusing to sing it for someone who requests it, sincerely. Whether DB is my favorite or not, is immaterial to me, when I'm being offered the opportunity to share music with folks who love it, and who might not otherwise be able to hear/play/sing it for themselves. In my 14 years of singing for folks from many parts of the world, I can't recall a time when the crowd did not "hush" considerably when they heard the first strains of Danny Boy.

A song like that has much meaning for many people, and for some, touches a deep part of them. Most non-musicians have no clue about its origins, and that doesn't really matter, if it speaks to them. If its sentimentality moves them to tears, even amidst a rollicking St. Patrick's Day celebration, that's not at all a bad thing. Tears bring people just a wee bit closer.

Some would perhaps chose not to sing it in some settings to, in a way, guard it from abuse. I still think I'd rather sing it if requested, give it my best, and let anyone's response to it be their own.


It just occurred to me ....As much as some resent having it played on St. Patrick's Day, I'd wager a bet that there are more (uninformed though they are as to its origins) who feel they haven't fully celebrated the day if they didn't get to hear it.