The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2283920
Posted By: Amos
09-Mar-08 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"CHEYENNE, WYO -- . -- In a sparsely populated state that unexpectedly found itself at the center of the Democratic political universe this week, Sen. Barack Obama handily beat Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in caucuses Saturday. The victory gave a psychological lift to a campaign that had had an uncharacteristically difficult week.

Obama bested Clinton in Wyoming with 61% of the vote to her 38%, giving him seven delegates and her five.

With Clinton's resurgence last week -- thanks to wins in the Ohio and Texas primaries -- the fight for every delegate has become intense, making Wyoming a player for the first time in years.

The fight now moves to Mississippi, which holds its primary Tuesday, and delegate-rich Pennsylvania, which holds its primary April 22. Given the heightened acrimony between the two campaigns, that seems like a lifetime away.

Obama, with 1,578 delegates, is roughly 100 ahead of Clinton, according to the Associated Press tally. To become the party's nominee, a candidate needs 2,025 delegates."...

LA Times