The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109303   Message #2284024
Posted By: Bearheart
09-Mar-08 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Selkie/Selchie? & pronunciation
Subject: Folklore: Selkie/Selchie? & pronunciation
I have been writing some songs about the seal-folk based on some shamanic work I am doing and need some advice on the spelling of this word. I would like to be consistent. Some of the versions of the old ballads use one spelling, some another-- are they both pronounced the same way? I believe (but don't know for sure) that most of these originated in Scotland and this could perhaps affect the spelling and pronunciation of the word-- depending on where they migrated to that could change?

Grateful for all help...

Also anyone know anything about MANX stories of the seal-folk? I am familiar with some from Ireland (and love The Secret of Roan Innish)and a little from Scotland and northward.

I am curious also about Danish tales of seal-folk(my Dad's grandparents were all from Denmark)...
