The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109298   Message #2284120
Posted By: Slag
10-Mar-08 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hillary a 'Monster'???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hillary a 'Monster'???
Why? Is she growling???

ALL politicians are monsters. It takes a monster to tough your way through such an ordeal. It takes a bizarre and grandiose ego to even consider being the head of a nation, let alone THIS nation. And to WANT this job? Why? Who really needs the grief? What is it they are REALLY getting out of it? Not the money. Not rest and relaxation! Is it a genuine concern for the people they are supposed to be representing? Is it to defend this country against ALL enemies, both foreign and domestic? Perhaps it is to preserve the US Constitution? You know, have it's hull scraped and painted once a year. Maybe it's so they can pardon the crooks who helped them reach that high office. Maybe it's that they really believe in another form of government and want to subvert this nation. Revenge? Whatever the motivation I predict that it will be well hidden and virtually undecernable by the populace. After all, they have their own agendas. More than once I have heard interviewees say things like "I want to vote for a woman" or " I think a black person should be in the White House". That is some qualification! Deep issues indeed. Is Hillary a "monster"? Well, yes! Of course! What has that got to do with anything???