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Thread #108983   Message #2284411
Posted By: Amos
10-Mar-08 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Voting for Hillary?
Subject: RE: BS: Voting for Hillary?
ANother sectiom of the times has a pie4ce on Hillasry's management style as reflected in the operation of her campaign. I was struck by the following wee excerpt:
"Mrs. Clinton showed a tendency toward an insular management style, relying on a coterie of aides who have worked for her for years, her aides and associates said. Her choice of lieutenants, and her insistence on staying with them even when friends urged her to shake things up, was blamed by some associates for the campaign's woes. Again and again, the senator was portrayed as a manager who valued loyalty and familiarity over experience and expertise.

Mrs. Clinton stood by Mr. Penn and Patti Solis Doyle, who was until last month her campaign manager, even as her campaign was at risk of letting Mr. Obama sew up the nomination. When some of her closest supporters pressed her to replace them, arguing that the two were clearly struggling with their jobs and had become divisive figures in the campaign, she responded by saying she would "think about it."

When Mrs. Clinton finally pushed out Ms. Solis Doyle, she chose Ms. Williams, like Ms. Solis Doyle, an old friend who had never before managed a presidential campaign. "

These personnel principles strike me as awfully similar to those embraced for so long by whoever that chimp guy was who hire Don Rumsfeld as DefSec and larded the Supreme Court with loyalists. And they stand in marked contrast to Obama's practice of finding thinkers who have long practice and insight into their areas of specialty.

Just a thought.