The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109322   Message #2284560
Posted By: Rockhen
10-Mar-08 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Roger Coult, Woja the Hippy (9 March 2008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Roger Coult, Woja the Hippy
I would like to add to Tim's post about Roger Coult. I am sorry it is a bit long. I only know a little about him, I had only known him a few years. He was not a saint, he would hate to have been painted like that, but he was a very special man.
Woja will be missed by so many. Much love to his family and all those who were his friends. It was a big shock, I think, that Woja died so suddenly, even though he was very ill. It really wasn't his time yet...I still can't believe it...
After being rather nervous of my first sighting of Woja as a tall, hippyhaired man in his long leather coat, so much so, I didn't introduce myself, even though we had spoken online...I found him to be a gentle, kind man. As Tim said, he encouraged others in their music and in his own music, he played and wrote with genuine feeling. He wasn't one to start trouble, but he most definitely had the courage to speak out and state his loyalties if he felt passionately about something.
He had a quirky sense of humour. He often wrote brilliant blogs. The invasion of the teddybears was one of my favourite and we continued the joke for months...(he would say I should be writing this in orange italics so that it was invisible to the aforementioned fearsome monsters in cute disguise as all those who read it, were comforted to know they were colour-blind to orange,....nonsense but, harmless and daft, honest, it was funny....) yes, he had a zany sense of humour but I never heard him use it in anything but a gentle, and never cruel way...
Oh Woja, I was so sad and so shocked to hear the news yesterday. It was my birthday and I was gutted about that for a moment but then I figured, I will remember you with much love and a smile, every year on that day. I also believe you would want all those who knew you to remember you a positive way and to talk about you with a smile. As, another of your friends said, the 12inch version of Knocking on Heaven's Door, when you tried to involve the whole pub and not leave anyone out was one of the 'Woja Set of Moments' we will remember. You warned me when I came to visit you that you may start joking about your hospital treatment, as it progressed, in a macabre way, saying it was just your way of trying to deal with it and cope with what was a very shocking and frightening time for you. You had some tough times in your life, and I know those who cared about you, tried to support you as best they could.I think you knew that.
I will miss our 'pretend sparring' about guitars versus pianos, you were always so supportive of my 'terrible' instrument of choice! :-) You were a lover of language and its intricacies, and I will add !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as that was another of your pet hates but always a joke.
Woja had just started upon a course of treatment. Who knows whether it would have been successful, or not? I think it would have been a very long and painful time, with much doubt about whether it was going to do any good. If you had to go anytime, I am glad you didn't suffer too much of that treatment, only for it to prove no use.
I am buying a notebook for anyone who knew Woja to write an entry about good times they remember sharing with him. If anyone wants to contribute, please see me at music stuff, those who know me, or PM me and I will add it to the book with your name. I hope you are at peace Woja and we will miss you.You were a master with language and would have written this so much better than I can...I wish you hadn't knocked on that door quite so soon. Love and hugs, Rocky x x x