The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201 Message #2284658
Posted By: PoppaGator
10-Mar-08 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
If both Michigan and Florida saw higher turnouts for their Republican than Democratic primaries, that fact in itself only underlines that large numbers of potential voters in the Dem primaries knew up front that their party's vote in their state was unikely to count for anything. Nationwide, there has been much higher turnout for Democratic primaries and caususes than for the corresponding Republican events. Michigan and Florida are both large states with plenty of adherents of both parties; if voters in those states had a normal level of confidence that their Democratic primaries were going to count for something, turnout would have been drastically higher ~ at least equal to the GOP turnout if not significantly higher (as it has been in virtyually every other state).
I'm not sure how the problem developed in Michigan, but learned over the weekend that in Florida, where the Republicans control the governorship and the legislature, the National Democratic Party had already stipulated their "no-earlier-than" date when the legislature scheduled the state's primaries for both parties at an early date, in defiance of one party's rules.
Florida Democrats tried to prevent this impasse, but didn't have the votes. The primary date issue was only part of a widely supported election-reform bill addressing voting machines vs paper ballots and other such concerns. Republican lawmakers in Florida are undoubtedly still having a good laugh at how drastically they managed to mess up their rivals' nominating process.