The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201 Message #2284768
Posted By: PoppaGator
10-Mar-08 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
"The people that handle the vote in Alberta get paid.
Supervisors- $300/day Ballot Checkers and Counters- $170/day."
For what it's worth, the current pay scale for poll commissioners in Louisiana, USA:
$300/day for Commission-in-charge (one per precinct) $200/day for Commissioner (two or three per precince, in addition to the one CIC)
That's double the rate paid until about two years ago. They raised the pay in an effort (only partially successful) to replace the many commissioners lost to relocation after Katrina.
The "day" in question is appx 15 hours long: polls are open 6am to 8 pm, commissioners need to be on duty 20-30 minutes before opening, and need to stay after closing to (1) serve any voters already in the building when the doors close and (2) complete various closeout procedures. Each commissioner-in-charge is then also responsible for delivering the results to a central location.
The payments rates mentioned above are in force ONLY for commissioners who show up for a instructional session prior to each round of elections. I missed class before the last election and therefore the paycheck I am still awaiting after 4-6 weeks will be for $100, not $200.