The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109298   Message #2285045
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
11-Mar-08 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Hillary a 'Monster'???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Hillary a 'Monster'???
"So I find it odd that you, like so many keep casting him as David to Clinton as Goliath."

I don't remember casting either of them as Biblical characters but while it is true that Obama has gained alot of support, he is still the new kid on the block compared to Hillary. Washington D.C. has been her turf for a very long time. In that way, she does enjoy an advantage. She is very experienced and has probably seen every dirty trick in the book. From Obama's perspective (or from his campaign headquarters) she is a monster with tentacles that reach far and wide. ...or she is the monster they are presently battling. No big deal.

"...a memo from the Canadian consulate noted, "Goolsbee said he has always been impressed with Canada, sharing his experiences which have included trips to Montreal and Toronto as part of the Yale debate team and visits to Vancouver with his wife." Soooooooo? This is hardly newsworthy.

Power, a foreign policy adviser to Obama, told The Scotsman that Hillary was "a monster" and the BBC that Obama's Iraq withdrawal plan was merely a "best-case scenario."

Where did the BBC quote come from? Its the first I have heard it. I guess I've missed something.

Actually, I'd probably vote for Hillary (this week) for just that reason. She can go head to head with McCain. I'm not sure if Obama can. His people just do not have the experience and the sophistication to tackle a monster like Hillary.