The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21471   Message #228662
Posted By: catspaw49
16-May-00 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ain't This Place Great???
Subject: Ain't This Place Great???
Well isn't it? Along with everything else, the ability of the internet and the 'Cat's GREAT members, has created a true global village and it simply amazes me daily. Yesterday, it really came to me just how great this can be.

Karen and I needed something which Karen found on the net.....a set of training wheels for Special Needs kids like our son Tristan. Problem was they were only available in England. First, just the ability to find such an item so relatively quickly was amazing, but then..........

What to do? Of course....Ask on the 'Cat for some help. Within 12 minutes Gervase had responded with an offer to help. GREAT!!! Better yet......Within 25 minutes of the original posting, Gervase had TALKED to the guy who designed and makes them and responded back with all the info and was ready to order a set. We worked the details out through e-mail and soon Tristan will be pedaling. Does this amaze you too? Obviously I owe a huge thanks to Gervase, but we have so many wonderful members the world over, that I guess I almost took it for granted that if I needed something from anywhere, somehow we'd work it out with somebody. But that's because I am beginning to take so much of this Village and the net for granted....and I shouldn't!!!

So a BIG THANK YOU to Gervase and to all of you and this place. It really is quite special.
