The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108515   Message #2286741
Posted By: GUEST,Appaloosa Lady
12-Mar-08 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: What Have You Learned From Mudcat?
"I've learned that sometimes you find a diamond, amongst the pebbles."

"I'll bet Demosthenes broke a couple of teeth."

And...I've learned all about Demosthenes (thank you Bill) :-)

384-322 BC
As a youth in ancient Athens,   Demosthenes had a severe speech impediment, and people jeered at his stuttering when he addressed his first large public assembly. Demosthenes, the son of a prosperous sword maker, was orphaned when he was only 8. His guardians so pilfered his estate that little was left when Demosthenes came of age. Seeking justice, he successfully pleaded his own case and won damages. To improve his elocution, he talked with pebbles in his mouth and recited verses while running along the seashore over the roar of the waves.