The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201 Message #2287670
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
13-Mar-08 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
In Florida, the governor is Republican. He and the party are laughing themselves silly over the actions of Screamer Dean and the convolutions of the Democrats. Without the jaybird's OK, no revote can be held. I just caught the tail end in a news broadcast, but after indicating it would cost millions, the speaker (Atty. Gen.?) didn't seem to offer anything of substance. Florida is secure for McCain because of this.
Dunno what MI Dems will do. Probably wait and fight it out at the Convention. If they don't get a satisfactory settlement, McCain may carry MI on the backs of the disgruntled.