The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109309   Message #2287873
Posted By: GUEST,Stranger
13-Mar-08 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
Subject: RE: Qualified To Be a Folkie?
No, Mr. Bridge.

I don't play that song. You obviously are referring to the Merle Haggard song Okie from Muskokee which was a giant hit and actually rates as a modern day folk song, because many, many are familiar with it.

There is a misconception that all folksingers are just dope smoking, drinking, ranters out to change the world. I assure you they are not, and there is a good reason to believe I could out live that type.

I prefer to think of a folksinger as one who entertains and keeps a certain type of music alive. It's not about politics really, it's about the music.