The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109201   Message #2287979
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Mar-08 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???
Subject: RE: BS: Dem Convention Repeat of '24???

You are an excellent researcher of folk music.

But as seems often the case when you hold forth on US politics , your schadenfreude seems to have gotten in the way of your thought processes.

It is quite likely, I'd guess, that neither the MI nor the FL delegates, chosen in unsanctioned votes, against the express wishes of the DNC, will be seated. And there will be no revote--at least in FL, where the Democratic members of the state House of Representatives released a statement Tuesday which said: "Our House delegation in opposed to a mail-in campaign or any redo of any sort". Unless they back off bigtime, those sound like final chords.

But MI is a state in economic distress. It's unlikely that McCain's prescription--some job training and lower taxes--will be enough to offset the real pain Michigan voters are feeling--especially since health care costs are an issue. So the Democrat--Hillary or Obama--is likely to take Michigan in the fall. Your schadenfreude, sorry to say, can't substitute for your missing logic.

FL--who knows? I would bet Obama has a good chance--again, if his economic proposals, especially towards universal health care---but without Hillary's "mandate"--appeal. Again, the contrast will be with what McCain offers--and his conservative base will make sure any proposed government program is modest. And there will be a desire for more--which he won't offer.

Also, as I've pointed out before, Hillary's strongest supporters want above all else to prevent a Republican from naming any more Supreme Court justices. So they will back Obama if he is the nominee.

Your rapture over US election-year chaos and your rather blatant, inexplicable--(baffling since you're not even a US voter)---and unjustified-- dislike of Obama may have to be modified.