The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21481   Message #228828
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-May-00 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it?
Subject: Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it?
A few months ago, one of my old teachers got in touch with me, and we've been coresponding since then. He put me in touch with a website of one of my schools, MacDonald High in Montreal. They've got a big reunion coming up, and I must admit my curiosity has been piqued. I'd love to know what the other 51-53 year olds have done with their lives...I think my terminal curiosity about folks and life in general is no secret here. Now the other thing that's no secret is my disastrous schooling in general. Today it's fodder for a lot of my humour, but at the time it was pretty unpleasant and downright scary at times. I've gotten a lot of "one liner" mileage out of forging sick-notes, hookey 101, and leading the league in detentions....and granted, now I wouldn't change a thing in the directions I took...but at the time, I really WANTED to fit in.

So the dillema seems to be; do I REALLY want to get together with all those folks who graduated, for legitimate reasons....or as I suspect, might there be a bit of a hidden agenda going on here that I haven't quite figured out. When I was sumarily thrown out I was a folksinger who wanted to see the world. 35 years later, I've seen a lot of it...and I'm still a folksinger...with no changes on the horizon.

I'd love to know what other Cats' experiences with reunions have been.

